elbow is inflammation of the tendon
which joins the muscles of the forearm
to the lower end of the upper arm bone
(the humerus). The muscles at the back
of the forearm flex the fingers and
wrists, and they are all connected to
the same point on the outer side of
the humerus. Not surprisingly, in view
of the muscles' constant use, inflammation
can sometimes result, causing extreme
tenderness and pain down the forearm
and up to the shoulder. Any repetition
action - typing, working at a supermarket
checking out, or repeated lifting -
can cause tennis elbow, as well as playing
tennis frequently. If tennis elbow persists,
and is caused by an aspect of the victim's
work which they are unable to avoid,
a GP may prescribe anti-inflammatory
drugs of cortisone injections.
Medicine says it is caused by cold and
damp in the elbow region. Treatment
with Chinese herbal medicines including
cinnamon twigs, angelica root and white
ginger can be very effective, as can
acupuncture combined with moxibustion.