Acupuncture & Herbs - Hull Chinese Medical Centre
  Chinese Medicine:
- Acupuncture
- Herbal Medicines
- Acupressure
- Cupping
- Moxibustion

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  Treatments For:
- Arthritis
- Asthma / Hayfever
- Addictions (Alcohol / Smoking)
- Back & Neck Problems
- Circulatory Problems
- Digestive Disorders / IBS
- Frozen Shoulder
- Fatigue
- High Blood Pressure
- Headaches / Migraines
- Hair Losing
- Insomnia
- Infertility / IVF Support
- Weight Problems
- Menopausal Symptoms
- Sexually Related Disorders
- Stress / Anxiety / Depression
- Sports Injury / Tennis Elbow
- Skin Problems
- Stroke Rehabilitation
- Sinus Infection
- Tinnitus
- Trapped Nerve / Sciatica

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- Chinese Medicine explanation and treatment


There are many causes of back pain and a doctor must first establish whether the problem is muscular, spinal, nervous in origin or caused by a disease of the internal organs.

Back pain problems which are caused by strained or weak muscles or sciatica can be helped by Chinese herbs. Acupuncture, manipulation or massage may also be prescribed, and ointment, creams or plasters may be given. Chinese ginseng root, teasel root and acanthopanax bark are used to help relieve pain.


Neck pain can come from a wide number of causes. Maintaining an awkward position may result in neck muscles becoming over tired causing the joints of the neck to become 'locked' in position, this creates discomfort, stiffness and restricted movement. Neck pain can also be brought on by a whiplash injury - for example if someone drove into the back of a car you are in, or a medical condition (swelling, tumour, bleeding, inflammatory response, etc.). Sometimes neck pain may also cause headaches.

Studies show acupuncture is effective in relieving certain types of neck pain, particularly those caused by whiplash. Our experience is that it is extremely effective for neck tension and stiffness and restriction with no injury. Some studies suggest acupuncture can treat degenerative neck disorders such as ankylosing spondylosis and cervical spondylosis; in many cases, acupuncture has worked for patients whose conditions could not be solved using conventional approaches.

Related Readings:

  1. Analysis and Evaluation on Acupuncture Treatment of Cervical Pains in the UK - A Study of 74 Cases

  Our Practitioner
practitioner of Acupuncture & Herbs
Dr Huang   MD  MATCM
  West Hull Branch
west Hull branch at 374 Hessle Road
374 Hessle Road
Hull, HU3 3SD
Tel: 01482 218866
  East Hull Branch
east Hull branch at 319 Holderness Road
319 Holderness Road
Hull, HU8 8SH
Tel: 01482 217771

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