is an ancient therapy for restoring
balance to the body's natural energy
systems. Acupuncture theory is based
on the concept of Qi that is the life force energy in our bodies
- Qi -circulates through energy channels
or meridians. Qi is the power or force
that fuels and drives both body and
mind functions. Acupuncture works
by inserting very fine
sterilized disposable acupuncture
needles into meridians (the channels of energy). An
acupuncturist can stimulate
the body's own healing response
and help restore its natural
balance/homeostasis. As the
energy of each organ travels
to and affects different areas
of the body, an acupuncturist
may needle an area apparently
unrelated to the
location of the
symptoms. By leaving
the needles in for approximately 20
minutes, a circuit of energy will
be created which will help to
any imbalance, thereby bringing relief
to the patient.
acupuncturist can identify 12 internal
organs, each having a corresponding
meridian or channel through which the
Qi of the organ flows. The flow of Qi
can be disturbed by a number of factors
including; emotional upset, physical
trauma, poor diet or overwork. Blocked
Qi can manifest itself in areas that
are painful or are particularly cold
or hot, or a different colour. These
signs can help an acupuncturist determine
which points are most suitable. Treating
the patient as an individual is at the
core of the acupuncture treatment and this helps allow the body to
rebalance itself. Acupuncture also includes
other techniques such as cupping, moxibustion
or acupressure. |
Our Practitioner |
Huang MD MATCM |
Hull Branch |
Hessle Road |
HU3 3SD |
01482 218866 |
Hull Branch |
Holderness Road |
HU8 8SH |
01482 217771 |