Chinese Medicine explanation and treatment
balmy days of summer can be a complete
misery for hay-fever sufferers, whose
allergy to pollen released by grasses,
flowers and trees means that they become
unwell as soon as they put their head
out of doors. The pollen causes cells
to release histamine and other chemicals,
resulting in blocked sinuses, a permanently
runny, itchy nose, often a sore, irritated
throat, watery eyes and constant sneezing.
In very severe cases hay fever can lead
to asthma.
Chinese Medicine hay fever is usually
attributed to wind-heat invasion in
the lungs. This is one of a set of atopic
conditions that Chinese medicine treats
very simply and successfully. Eczema,
hay fever and asthma are all conditions
of atopy (a form of hypersensitivity,
estimated to affect 10 percent of the
human race), so a treatment which works
for one is quite likely to be successful
in the other two. Again, it must be
emphasized that Chinese Medicine treats
each case individually, because the
symptoms vary between patients, and
are also influenced by their particular
experience and environment.
general, however, a Chinese Medicine
practitioner r will open the lung Qi
to expel the wind heat. Chinese herbs
chosen for this could be magnolia flowers,
chrysanthemum flowers, mulberry leaves,
ephedra and cinnamon twigs.
are many causes of asthma - hereditary
factors, an allergy to environmental
influences such as dust or animal
or stress, anxiety or physical exertion.
Western treatment for asthma includes
the prescription of cortisone and inhalers
that open up the bronchial passages.
Childhood asthma often disappears after
a few years, but it can develop at any
time in adults and although most attacks
are of short duration, medical help
should always be sought if the attack
is serious and lasts for an hour or
more, as the condition can be fatal.
Chinese Medicine, three organs are said
to cause asthma: the lungs, the spleen
and the kidneys. The major cause is
phlegm produced by a weakness of spleen
and kidney, but a Chinese Medicine practitioner
will identify the cause and nature of
the complaint according to the patient's
individual medical history. Some cases
of asthma respond well to kidney tonics,
but if the problem is in the spleen,
a different treatment will be tried.
If it is the lungs which are deficient,
a Chinese Medicine treatment will be
geared to treating that organ. The intention
is to open the lung energy to enable
it to descend and clear the air passages.
such as ephedra and bitter almond seed
will help to stop wheezing. The Churchill
Hospital in London has been conducting
clinical studies into the effects of
acupuncture on asthma, and hospitals
in Oxford are researching herbal treatments.
Asthma responds to both herbal medicine
and acupuncture, although there have
been recorded cases of acupuncture actually
inducing an attack in susceptible patients
and it should of course only be administered
in skilled hands. |
Our Practitioner |
Huang MD MATCM |
Hull Branch |
Hessle Road |
HU3 3SD |
01482 218866 |
Hull Branch |
Holderness Road |
HU8 8SH |
01482 217771 |